Sunday, February 5, 2012

CSA Offering from Second Nature Farm

Adam Tedeschi is the CFO (Chief Farming Officer) at Second Nature Farm.
Second Nature farm is a 4-acre diversified fruit and vegetable farm in Norton, MA. Their nutrient-rich produce is Certified Naturally Grown, and the farm abstains from using any chemical fertilizers, pesticides or fungicides. The farm strives to put the creativity and fun back in eating, and so cultivates many unique and colorful varieties of vegetables, both heirloom and hybrid.

Their CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program runs for the duration of the Braintree Farmers' Market. Each week there are 1-2 "core" items that all CSA members receive, and 4-7 "you choose" items that members select from the farm's produce display. This allows each member to customize their share so that it best fits the needs of the individual or family.

For more information about the CSA, visit or email Farmer Adam:

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to this market in the summer. I am always in favour of organic products. It makes the food taste much better.
